Monday, August 12, 2024

Valentine vs Waterton for $600,000

Intentionally Infestation Unit at Presidential Towers #BedBugs

Oh yes before I forget Carly, 

Please refrain from asking "leading" and/or "guidance questions" you have completed your law degree, acts of desperation using (abusing) access as a licensed lawyer does not look good, such misconduct might result in a ARDC complaint.

That is so desperate, if you do not know your job, feel insecure and/or not confident pass my case to an attorney who knows what they are doing, is this your first case out of law school?

You chastise me for not properly labeling the case Waterton Residential LLC but you are asking the judge how to file, girl bye!

Officers (including judges) are not allowed to offer advice and/or guidance in any legal matter, your quest for favor and/or direction were nothing short of seeking biased favorability, here is the problem... you are the paid attorney, you should know the routine.

One more attempt and I shall use all available means to file a complaint against you!!! 

Common complaints of ethical misconduct include improper demeanour; failure to properly disqualify when the judge has a conflict of interest; engaging in ex parte communication and failure to execute their judicial duties in a timely fashion. Behaviour outside of the courtroom can also be at issue.





You can't have my pussy (11)

Repost from March 3, 2024


Relax you don't believe in GOD anyways :)

Did Jesus Really “Hang Out” with Sinners? 
A Theological and Semantic Exploration

The question of whether Jesus “hung out” with sinners often generates diverse interpretations, primarily due to the ambiguous nature of the phrase "hang out" and the varied meanings of "sinners." To address this question thoroughly, we need to explore the semantic nuances of these terms and their theological implications. Here’s a deeper look into what is meant by "hanging out" and "sinners" in the context of Jesus’ interactions, and why interpretations might differ.

Understanding "Hanging Out"

1. Semantic Meaning:

In contemporary usage, “hang out” generally suggests spending time in a casual, often informal manner. It can imply engaging in activities without a specific agenda or purpose, sometimes including behaviors that might not align with one's personal values. This casual connotation might not fully capture the intent behind Jesus’ interactions.

In the context of Jesus’ ministry, “hanging out” should be understood differently. Jesus’ interactions with people, including those considered sinners, were deeply purposeful and intentional. He engaged with people to teach, heal, and offer salvation. Thus, while Jesus did spend time with those considered sinners, his interactions were characterized by a deliberate mission rather than casual socializing.

2. Theological Implications:

Jesus’ approach to interacting with sinners was not about endorsing their behavior but about fulfilling his mission of redemption. As seen in Luke 5:27-32, Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners not simply to socialize but to highlight the need for repentance and demonstrate the inclusivity of God’s grace. His interactions were intended to transform hearts and minds, not to condone sin.

Exploring "Sinners"

1. The Biblical Context:

In the New Testament, “sinners” often refers to individuals marginalized by society or deemed morally questionable by religious authorities. This group could include tax collectors, prostitutes, and others considered outside the bounds of acceptable Jewish piety.

For instance, in Luke 5:27-32, tax collectors were perceived as sinners due to their association with Roman oppression and perceived dishonesty. Similarly, Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector in Luke 19:1-10, demonstrates genuine repentance and transformation following his encounter with Jesus. Jesus’ association with these individuals illustrates his mission to seek and save the lost, rather than to endorse their past behaviors.

2. Jesus' Approach:

Jesus’ interaction with sinners went beyond mere presence; it was a deliberate engagement aimed at teaching, healing, and calling for repentance. His presence among sinners was a manifestation of his message that salvation is available to all, including those marginalized by society. Jesus’ goal was to transform lives and challenge societal and religious norms.

Why Different Answers?

1. Variability in Interpretation:

The ambiguity in the phrase “hang out” can lead to varying interpretations. Some might see Jesus’ association with sinners as an endorsement of their behavior, while others view it as a strategic part of his mission to address their spiritual needs. This variability reflects differing theological perspectives and personal beliefs about the nature of Jesus’ mission and the application of his teachings.

2. Personal Perspectives:

People’s responses to whether Jesus “hung out” with sinners might also depend on their own experiences and understanding of sin and redemption. Those who emphasize Jesus’ call to repentance might focus on the transformational aspect of his interactions, while others might interpret the phrase more casually, not fully appreciating the deeper purpose behind his engagements.


In summary, while Jesus did indeed “hang out” with sinners in the sense of spending time with them, his interactions were far from casual. They were driven by a profound purpose: to offer salvation and call for repentance. Jesus’ engagements with those labeled as sinners were aimed at transforming their lives rather than merely socializing or condoning their behavior. Understanding this helps clarify why different interpretations arise regarding whether Jesus “hung out” with sinners. It underscores the importance of considering both the semantic nuances and theological context when exploring such questions.

Jesus' actions demonstrate that he was accessible, merciful, and intentional in his mission to break down barriers of judgment and prejudice. As seen in Matthew 9:9-13 and the story of Zacchaeus, his presence among sinners was about inviting them to repentance and offering them the grace and salvation of God.

This entry was created with AI generated technology, I inserted facts and data, AI created the content for my blog... "I love it".. helps me with my assignments!!!

Imagine Dragons - Believer "Sinners have souls too"

"Friend of Sinners"

I am thinking the "Imagine Dragon Marijuana Shop is on Chandler near Summerlin, right?

Why am I so relaxed in Vegas??? 
Many reasons most importantly, they do not GAF who you are or what you have
If you commit a crime they will report it
Celebrities walk around normally here
I like being among people who treat being in entertainment as a job
Not a pedestal... your doing your job just like me
Most importantly, 
I can hear GOOD in GOD
I can see the EVIL with the DEVIL
I can sit in the middle and watch and listen without having an opinion 



Steve Harvey post Devonte Pippen on his show

Steve Harvey talks Chicago Gun Violence ... "Chevy guest appearance"