Friday, August 16, 2024

"The Lord gives... The Lord takes... Blessed be the name of the Lord", they sold Jesus garments too

I will miss "The Bear"—my beloved suede and leather, fur-lined winter coat. I've literally checked the mail wearing nothing but panties in that coat... such memories. 

You're mad at me because I refuse to lower my standards, just so you can degrade me? 

What is your obsession with me? 

It's not about Scottie; you just crave attention. 

The problem is, dead people can't testify, and he knows that.

Check Your Stand

  1. Faith and Values:

    • Do you want a man who loves GOD, or someone lost and seeking direction?
    • Important to be equally yoked in faith and values to avoid aligning with a fool.
  2. Employment and Independence:

    • Do you want a man who is employed and can provide, or are you comfortable replacing his mother?
    • A partner should be self-sufficient, not dependent on you to play a parental role.
  3. Home and Stability:

    • Does this man have a place to build a home, or is your sofa his alternative to living with his mother?
    • A man should have the means to provide a stable home environment.
  4. Transportation and Responsibility:

    • Does he have reliable transportation, or did you meet him at the bus stop with his unemployed buddies?
    • Reliability in transportation reflects responsibility and independence.
  5. Communication and Support:

    • When he speaks to you, does it build you up or break you down?
    • Communication should be uplifting and supportive, not destructive.
  6. Support for Your Dreams:

    • Does he support your endeavors, or are you just paying the bills until he moves on?
    • A true partner will encourage and support your dreams, not take advantage of your efforts.
  7. Intimacy and Connection:

    • Do you fuck like rabbits, or is "making love" a passionate, intimate experience you share?
    • Sex should be a meaningful connection, not just a physical act.
  8. Respect for His Mother:

    • How does he feel about his mother? Does he curse at/to her, or refer to her disrespectfully?
    • His respect for his mother often reflects how he will treat you.
  9. Timing and Value of Sex:

    • How long did you wait to have sex? Did you offer it right away, or did you wait to earn that spot?
    • The timing of intimacy can influence the value and respect in the relationship.
  10. Health and Honesty:

  • Does he have anything he can transfer to you, like HIV? Is he undetectable or negative?
  • Honesty about health and transparency is crucial for trust in the relationship.

Final Reflection:

Before judging others, it’s important to critically evaluate who you’re laying next to. 

Pippen was not my best choice, I don't share, I don't trust a liar, and I never do well with men that I am more intelligent than. 

This reflection is about ensuring your current or future choices align with your self-worth and standards.

While you're judging me... who is next to you?

But enough about that—back to my world of parties, promotions... 

I'm back in Vegas, baby! I'm in the mood to try something "French" or maybe another "Italian."

You know, "Greek" men are fun, and the food has to be good... 

Whatever my choices are, I'm an adult, not an NBA sex slave. 

S'ils ne comprennent pas ce que je dis, ne vous inquiétez pas de leur traduire ce qu'ils ne comprendront jamais. J'adore la vie à Vegas, et cela ne me dérange pas de partager le peu de temps dont je dispose avec un rendez-vous. Je suis toujours heureux de vous "accompagner" au dîner. Ce sont certains de mes meilleurs rendez-vous. Je prévois une tournée internationale. Il me faudra un certain temps pour guérir de toutes ces distractions narcissiques; j'ai besoin de temps pour être seule avec des amis. Mes projets sont de voyager en Italie, à Londres, et en France. Un tour d'Europe de la vie, si vous voulez. Je ne parlerai qu'à ceux qui peuvent comprendre avec compréhension.

Se non capiscono cosa sto dicendo, non preoccuparti di tradurre loro ciò che non capiranno mai. Adoro la vita a Las Vegas e non mi dispiace condividere il poco tempo che ho con un appuntamento. Sono sempre felice di "accompagnarti" a cena. Quelli sono alcuni dei miei appuntamenti migliori. Sto pianificando un tour internazionale. Mi ci vorrà del tempo per guarire da tutte queste distrazioni narcisistiche; ho bisogno di tempo per stare da sola con gli amici. I miei piani sono di viaggiare in Italia, Londra, e Francia. Un tour europeo della vita, se vuoi. Parlerò solo con chi può capire con comprensione.

Αν δεν μπορούν να καταλάβουν τι λέω, τότε μην ανησυχείτε για τη μετάφραση σε αυτούς, αυτό που δεν θα καταλάβουν ποτέ. Λατρεύω τη ζωή στο Βέγκας και δεν με πειράζει να μοιραστώ τον λίγο χρόνο που έχω με το ραντεβού. Πάντα χαίρομαι που σε "συνοδεύω" στο δείπνο. Αυτά είναι μερικά από τα καλύτερα ραντεβού μου. Σχεδιάζω μια διεθνή περιοδεία. Θα μου πάρει λίγο χρόνο για να θεραπευτώ από όλους αυτούς τους ναρκισσιστικούς περισπασμούς; χρειάζομαι χρόνο για να μείνω μόνη με φίλους. Τα σχέδιά μου είναι να ταξιδέψω στην Ιταλία, στο Λονδίνο, και στη Γαλλία. Ένας Ευρωπαϊκός Γύρος Ζωής αν θέλετε. Θα μιλήσω μόνο σε εκείνους που μπορούν να καταλάβουν με κατανόηση.

As for Scottie, he's too cheap to pay to be entertained, like many NBA players. They're so used to having women throw themselves at them that they don’t value a meaningful relationship. We weren’t in love; we had sex. He drugged my drink and then tried to cover it up by saying his brother was in my bed. I never asked for any of that.

Let me remind you—I left Chicago in 1987 to live in LA with ADP, back when Jordan married Juanita! I don't care. Jordan is just as delusional as Scottie. I see why they need to "rekindle that flame."

Also, I introduced Lisa McCoy to Jordan! Stop using me to mediate your dates and enjoy yourself. You seem to forget that I know who your son's real father is...

And to answer your question, "Can JJ Fish deliver to Vegas?"—I'd love a 3-piece catfish dinner with hot sauce, please! Oh, and can I get that secret recipe?

I'm laughing at Larsa, thinking she's struck gold with Marcus. The truth is, Marcus isn’t Jordan’s son, and Scottie knows it. That’s why he doesn’t care.

LOL, you might want to think before you speak. I know Juanita Vanoy Jordan! Desperate much?

Or maybe Marcus is your version of "Chris Brown"?

By the way, have you spoken to Teresa Allen? How are she and Dennis doing? I’m never mad, and you know I’m not moving into the Northbrook house. I’m still the same me. And these new NBA females are a mess. No way do I want to mix with that. Anyone who knows the truth knows I don’t want to date an NBA player.

I stopped dealing with the NBA after NBA ASW in Phoenix!!!

Here's the breakdown:

  • 25% are NBA players' families, baby mamas, children they reject, etc.
  • 25% are NBA staff, employees, friends, etc.
  • 25% are celebrities needed to get your attention to watch the game.
  • 25% are fans who might get lucky to find a seat...

Do your census. If every player has a family with kids in each city, some have 3 or 4 families per city... You see where I’m going with this? It's nothing but a "NBA family reunion" for the fathers (players) to meet the kids they planted on the road... "baby bye."

Vegas is not stupid. NBA players are cheap. They don’t tip. And 80% of the players in the NBA are gay; the women are just for show.

I started dating Bobby Sanders in 1991. He took me on tour, and I built my reputation and career by being professional. We’re still BFFs today.

Then I started dating Sean Levert.

Scottie had limits. No, I am not paying for your meal because you’re too cheap to spend your per diem. Ask for an increase. NBA players need to be affiliated and/or associated with someone that keeps them in the spotlight. Larsa is a recycled groupie, which is tacky. (Back then, $250 per city.)

That's why I redirect my audience to a crowd where we all collect tips. Those self-centered freaks who hate women are as boring as the Spike Lee movie that directed your thinking.

No, I don’t want to sit around and listen to you talk about yourself. There are so many more interesting people to talk to.

My apologies if your conversation limits your ability to communicate beyond what you know and/or understand.

I have self-esteem. I am very intelligent. I am not paying your bills.

NBA players do not have money... They have privilege.

My sincere apologies, Mr. Jordan. As important of a guest as you may be, the only items for sale are on the menu. If it's not on the menu with a price, then it's not for sale. Would there be anything else?

Knowing you makes me narcissistic, superficial, and misogynistic. I know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I have no problem ignoring you... You can't afford to save yourself.

Valentine vs NBA, Chicago Bulls, Scottie Pippen, et. al., 8/15/24

Valentine vs Waterton #Retaliation #Eviction for #Pippen 8/13/24

Valentine vs Waterton #Bedbug Fan Infestation 8/12/24



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