For the reasons outline 1-315, Plaintiff seeks damages and claims (7) counts of interstate stalking, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2)(A), and seven (7) counts of interstate extortionate threat, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 875(d).
1. Count 1 Interstate Stalking to Atlanta 1998-2003
2. Count 2 Interstate Stalking to Arizona 2016
3. Count 3 Interstate Stalking to Nevada 2017
4. Count 4 Interstate Stalking to California 2018
5. Count 5 Interstate Stalking in Illinois 2020-2024
6. Count 6 Interstate Stalking to Arkansas 2024
7. Count 7 Interstate Stalking to Mississippi 2024
For the reasons outline 1-315, Plaintiff seeks damages and claims the defendant of defamation of character and slander, as defined by 740 ILCS 145.
Beyond these violations, the plaintiff seeks compensation for child support arrears and palimony, both associated with a relationship that has lasted since 1987.
I certify that all statements made in this Motion are true and correct. I understand that making false statements is perjury under 735 ILCS 5/1-109.