Sunday, January 14, 2024

I'm not certain what's the best part of my freedom is...

Walking away from those who pretended to support me

Or learning I was surrounded by those who encouraged my failure

Time to Go

Dear Dr King

Thank You

She has my hair

That miracle is on record

I opened #Jaquatta womb




So that's why you were trying to give my hand to Eddie!!!

I miss my hugs

"She raised us together"

#Diary of #Esther

I know my sister

My sister knows me

You could have explained this to me yourself Bernice

Aaron Rushing Habbukka 2:2

I wrote my 1st plan at New Birth

I am blessed to have served her with delight

It was my honor, privilege, and duty to serve her table

New Birth has all photos

William and Jaquatta Williams

There is #Angel

Yes... Ask your mother to explain

I miss my NB #HUGS

I sat your mother on my bed...

then I possessed her for you :)


I am so excited about working with you

Reading my plan

You can find the video

Did you make me an offer to #TEACH

Buongiorno Pontefice, probabilmente dovrei lavorare sul mio italiano

Ripianificherò anche i miei eventi quotidiani

I loro occhi guardano DIO

Sono estremamente entusiasta della mia visita.

Il cibo, il vino, la storia

Non sono sicuro se DIO mi permetterà di portare un amico.

Le mie pecore conoscono la mia voce

È bello vedere i miei lettori italiani seguirmi
