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Tuesday, June 11, 2024




Dear Chicago Bulls Organization,

I am writing to propose a settlement agreement regarding the distressing incidents involving myself and members of the Chicago Bulls organization, specifically Scottie Pippen, Carl T Pippen, and Larsa Pippen.

After careful consideration, and in the interest of resolving this matter amicably and swiftly, I am willing to forgo pursuing legal action in exchange for a settlement of $250 million dollars. This amount reflects the extensive harm, suffering, and damages inflicted upon me as a result of the stalking, harassment, rape, willful intent to cause harm, and other crimes perpetrated by the aforementioned individuals, which were left uncorrected by the Chicago Bulls organization.

I believe this settlement is fair and just given the severity of the offenses and the profound impact they have had on my life. It will also serve as a deterrent against future misconduct and underscore the importance of accountability within the sports community.

In addition to the financial compensation, I request that the Chicago Bulls organization implements comprehensive measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. This may include but is not limited to:

  1. Mandatory training on harassment, discrimination, and respectful behavior for all players, staff, and affiliates.
  2. Establishment of a confidential reporting system for victims of misconduct.

  3. Swift and thorough investigations into any allegations of wrongdoing, with appropriate disciplinary action for offenders.
  4. Regular audits and assessments of organizational culture to ensure compliance with ethical standards and legal obligations.

I am open to discussing the terms of this settlement further and reaching a mutually agreeable resolution. However, I urge prompt action to address this matter and prevent any further harm to individuals associated with the Chicago Bulls organization.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience to initiate discussions regarding the proposed settlement.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to resolving this issue expeditiously and amicably.


1 I am number one in your life

2 Second Wife to somebody??

3 You see or hear GOD

4 I am “HIV” negative

5 Someone with “HIV” near me

6 Dr. J and/or LeBron James

7 Carmelo Anthony

8 (Vanessa) 24 (Chevy)  Kobe Codes

9 I am not having a “baby”

10 Perfect Me

11 Who wants to RAPE… yeah

12 Jesus had Disciples how many?

13 Esther (Bible)

16 Pope Francis


20 Gary Payton

21 Weed/Marijuana (y’all so LOUD)

22 Both on a second marriage

23 Michael Jordan

25 Derrek Lee (Cubs)

31 Chris Brown

33 Scottie Pippen

34 Walter Payton

35 Kevin Durant

36 Bishop Don Juan

40 Presidential Codes

42 Floyd Mayweather

45 What gun do I carry?

45 Donald J. Trump

50 I am going off about something, not the rapper jerk #FAKE

52 Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan

58 Federal Judge Zagel (RIP)

65 Dr Dre

66 GB2G aka George Bush:)

68 Year I was born

69 Commander Brian Thompson aka “Silver Fox” (Rahm)

87 Dee

93 DJ (RIP)

95 Deja

97 Hootie

99 JAY-Z

00 Diddy

106 Park it right here (My birthday)

168 Debbie LUCKY lottery number


Saying Goodbye to the Spotlight: Why I'm Retiring from Promoting Politics, Entertainment and Sports


Find out the real reason behind my decision to step away from the spotlight after years promoting entertainment and sports.

Hey there, friends! I have a little announcement to make. After many years of being involved in promoting entertainment, sports, and events, I’ve made the decision to officially retire. It’s been quite a journey, but I’ve come to realize that I no longer want to be responsible for leading anyone to a false idol. Let me tell you more about why I’ve made this choice.

Understanding False Idols

So, what exactly is a false idol? Well, it’s essentially someone or something that is worshipped or admired to an excessive degree, often leading to disappointment or disillusionment. The danger of promoting false idols lies in the fact that it can create unrealistic expectations and ultimately let people down.

Impact of Promotion

Promotion plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions and influencing individuals. When we promote someone as a role model or idol, we are essentially endorsing their behavior and values. This can have a profound impact on society, shaping the way people think and act.

Check out how I found peace and purpose by stepping away from the spotlight. #retirement #selfcare #inspiration

Finding Authentic Role Models

It’s essential to seek out authentic and genuine role models who embody positive values and qualities. Instead of promoting celebrities or athletes solely based on fame or success, we should look for individuals who demonstrate integrity, compassion, and humility. By choosing our role models wisely, we can inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Personal Reflection

Looking back on my journey as a promoter, I realize that I may have inadvertently contributed to the glorification of false idols. While my intentions were always positive, I understand now the implications of promoting individuals who may not truly represent the values I hold dear. It’s time for me to take a step back and reassess the impact of my actions.


As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I want to emphasize the importance of not promoting false idols. Let’s all strive to be mindful of the influences we support and follow, choosing authenticity and integrity over empty fame. Together, we can create a world where true role models shine bright and inspire others to be their best selves.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here’s to a future filled with genuine inspiration and positivity!

TIME TO WORK ON ME: A New Venture in the Deep South: My Journey to Cultivating Marijuana in Mississippi

In a bold move that blends passion with ambition, I recently relocated to the Gulfport/Biloxi area of Mississippi, with a singular goal in mind: to cultivate marijuana. This decision was not made lightly, as it represents a significant shift in both my personal and professional life. Here’s a glimpse into my journey so far.

Embracing a New Beginning

Moving to Mississippi was driven by a combination of factors. The state’s evolving stance on marijuana cultivation, coupled with its rich agricultural history and favorable climate, made it an ideal location for my venture. Leaving behind the familiarity of my previous home was challenging, but the potential for growth and success in this region was a compelling motivator.

Immersing in the Local Culture

Upon arriving in Gulfport/Biloxi, I quickly realized that understanding the local culture and environment was crucial. The Gulf Coast, known for its vibrant history, stunning coastline, and welcoming communities, offered a unique backdrop for my endeavor. I spent my initial weeks exploring the area, meeting locals, and soaking in the Southern hospitality. This immersion was essential, not just for personal acclimatization, but also for gaining insights into the region's agricultural practices and market dynamics.

The Learning Curve

Studying and researching marijuana cultivation has been a continuous process. Mississippi’s climate presents both opportunities and challenges for growing cannabis. The warm, humid weather is generally favorable, but it requires precise management to prevent issues like mold and pests. I have been diligently studying agricultural techniques, pest control measures, and climate adaptation strategies to ensure a successful cultivation process.

Networking has played a significant role in this phase. Engaging with local farmers, agricultural experts, and business owners has provided valuable knowledge and guidance. Their insights into soil quality, crop rotation, and local market conditions have been indispensable as I fine-tune my business plan.

Crafting the Business Plan

Developing a comprehensive business plan has been at the forefront of my activities. This plan encompasses various aspects, including cultivation techniques, financial projections, regulatory compliance, and marketing strategies. Understanding Mississippi’s legal framework around marijuana cultivation is crucial. Staying compliant with state regulations not only ensures the legitimacy of my business but also builds trust within the community.

Marketing strategies are another focal point. The goal is to create a brand that resonates with both local consumers and a broader audience. Emphasizing the quality, sustainability, and local roots of the product will be key components of the branding efforts.

Looking Ahead

As I continue to navigate this journey, the excitement of what lies ahead keeps me motivated. The initial groundwork has laid a solid foundation, but there is much more to accomplish. Here’s a look at some of the upcoming steps and goals for my venture:

Building the Infrastructure

The next significant milestone is establishing the physical infrastructure for cultivation. This includes selecting a suitable plot of land, constructing greenhouses, and setting up irrigation systems. Given the importance of sustainability, I plan to incorporate eco-friendly practices such as rainwater harvesting and solar energy utilization.

Testing and Experimentation

Before full-scale cultivation begins, conducting small-scale tests will be crucial. These tests will help fine-tune the growing conditions, identify the best strains for the local climate, and optimize yield quality. Experimentation will also involve trying different soil mixtures, nutrient regimens, and pest control methods to determine the most effective practices.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the local community remains a top priority. Hosting informational sessions, workshops, and farm tours will help demystify marijuana cultivation and build a supportive network. Educating the community about the benefits and safety measures associated with cannabis can foster a positive perception and encourage local acceptance.

Regulatory Compliance and Certifications

Navigating the regulatory landscape is an ongoing challenge. Obtaining necessary permits, adhering to state laws, and staying updated with any legislative changes are critical for the business’s legality and credibility. Additionally, pursuing certifications for organic farming and sustainability practices will further enhance the business’s reputation and appeal.

Marketing and Brand Development

With the cultivation process in place, the focus will shift to marketing and brand development. Creating a compelling brand narrative that highlights the local roots, quality, and unique aspects of the product will be essential. Leveraging social media, local events, and partnerships with local businesses can help build brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Long-Term Vision

The ultimate vision extends beyond just cultivation. The goal is to create a vertically integrated business that includes processing, distribution, and potentially a retail component. This integrated approach can ensure quality control at every stage and maximize profitability.

Expanding into value-added products such as edibles, oils, and topicals is also part of the long-term strategy. These products can cater to diverse consumer preferences and tap into different market segments.


Relocating to Mississippi with the intent of cultivating marijuana has been a transformative journey. The Gulfport/Biloxi area, with its unique culture and favorable conditions, offers an ideal setting for this venture. While the path is filled with challenges and learning curves, the potential rewards are immense. Through diligent research, community engagement, and strategic planning, I am optimistic about building a successful and sustainable marijuana cultivation business that contributes positively to the local economy and beyond.

As I continue this journey, the support and collaboration of the community, industry experts, and fellow entrepreneurs will be invaluable. Together, we can pioneer a new chapter in Mississippi’s agricultural and economic landscape.

JUST ANNOUNCED: Martin Lawrence

Y'all know what it is tour! Saturday, August 10, 2024

You found me that fast???

"Sorry I have to work"


I sat next to the President Box, while the symphony practiced... overwhelming favor


Valentine vs Waterton Residential 5/22/2024

6/11/24 We have a hearing date!!!

Case scheduled for June 20, 2024

Waterton Residential willfully & intentionally infested my apartment with bedbugs for 9 months

Valentine vs Davis... well, at least I studied law... "for such a time as this" #Filed



            The Plaintiff respectfully submits this opposition to the Defendant's motion to dismiss, as outlined, on the grounds that the case at hand fundamentally challenges the Defendant's failure to act on complaints concerning illegal activities and federal law. These activities are specifically related to violations of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a critical piece of legislation designed to protect the rights and safety of women. The Plaintiff contends that the Defendant has neglected their duty to enforce the provisions of VAWA, particularly those outlined in section (b) which prohibits the denial or termination of assistance or eviction on certain grounds. According to this section, an applicant for assistance or a tenant assisted under a covered housing program should not be denied admission to, denied assistance under, terminated from participation in, or evicted from the housing on the basis or as a direct result of their status. The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendant's inaction in the face of these violations is not only a dereliction of duty but also a breach of the rights of those protected under VAWA. The named Defendant(s) have egregiously abused their privileged access to confidentially protected data, information, and files, exploiting these resources for their own political advancement and/or gains.

This blatant misuse of sensitive materials not only breaches the trust bestowed upon them but also infringes upon the legal parameters outlined in §1501 et seq., which explicitly restricts the political activity of employees, including their candidacy for public office in a partisan election. Furthermore, the Defendant(s) have manipulated the "close family trust" to position themselves as executors of the Plaintiff, a role they have used to further their own interests rather than uphold the welfare of the Plaintiff. This manipulation extends to the defamation of the Plaintiff's name and/or reputation, a reprehensible act committed with the sole intention of monetary gains. Such actions are not only unethical but also a violation of the trust and responsibility that comes with their position. The Defendant(s) have demonstrated a clear disregard for the principles of integrity, confidentiality, and respect for the rights of others, thereby warranting legal intervention and appropriate consequences. The professional tone of this paragraph underscores the gravity of the Defendant(s) actions and the urgent need for justice to be served.

The Plaintiff, therefore, opposes the motion to dismiss, maintaining that the case presents serious and valid concerns that warrant thorough judicial examination. "Violence that primarily targets women has too often been dismissed without response…I've become convinced that the violence against women reflects as much a failure of our nation's collective moral imagination as it does a failure of our nations' laws and our nations' regulations. We are helpless to change the course of this violence…unless and until we achieve national consensus that it deserves our profound public outrage and laws that reflect that profound public outrage…The bill is the first comprehensive approach to fighting all forms of violence against women. Then Senator Joseph Biden (D-De), one of the primary sponsors of the VAWA, Major Leader Special Transcript, Response to Release of "Response to Rape Report," Federal News Service, May 27, 1993. The VAWA bill gives all persons the right to be free from gender-motivated violence. This civil rights provision is both the most important and the most controversial of the entire Act.

The civil rights provision embodies the spirit of the VAWA.  It gives women who have been victims of gender-motivated violence the right to bring a private suit in federal court.  If successful, plaintiffs can recover compensatory and punitive damages and injunctive or declaratory relief.  The civil rights provision recognizes, for the first time, the right to be free from gender-motivated violence as a federal civil right. In order to recover under §13981, a plaintiff must prove that she was the victim of a crime of violence and that the crime was committed because of gender or on the basis of gender and was due, at least in part, to a gender-based animus.   Random acts of violence are not covered; the court must determine, based on a “totality of the circumstances,” that the violence was not random but gender-motivated.  Please read over the statute, 42 USCA § 13981.

The right to be free from gender-motivated violence is intuitive at some level. Many women understand this as an important tool to fight male oppression. The civil rights provision seems less intuitive to many males--powerful males-- who have used their high offices to oppose it. Chief Justice Rehnquist, for example, has twice spoken out publicly against the civil rights provision (rare public commentary for a Chief Justice) and criticized it in his 1991 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary. The Fourth Circuit cited these objections with approval in holding the civil rights remedy unconstitutional in the Brzonkala case. The heart of the objection was that a federal civil right to be free from gender-motivated violence would intrude on areas of regulation traditionally allocated to the states. Yet, thirty-eight state attorneys general supported the VAWA Civil Rights remedy. These arguments are currently playing themselves out in the Supreme Court, which heard arguments on the constitutionality of the civil rights provision (only) on January 11, 2000. The first case brought under the statute involved a 19-year-old college freshman, Christy Brzonkala, who alleged she was raped by two college football players within days of starting school at Virginia Polytechnical Institute. She initially told no one about the attack, but after a failed suicide attempt, she reported the rapes to the school.

The school brought charges against the men, eventually suspending one of them for a year and dismissing the charges against one for lack of evidence. However, the suspension was lifted by the school and the defendant returned to school the next fall on full athletic scholarship. When Christy learned of this, she withdrew from school and initiated the civil rights suit. In 1997, a panel of 4th Circuit judges upheld the constitutionality of the VAWA Civil Rights Remedy (and held that Brzonkala had stated a valid claim). The 2-1 decision was authored by Judge Diana Motz. It went through the legislative record of the VAWA in great detail, concluding that violence against women had a substantial effect on interstate commerce, and thus was a constitutional exercise of Congressional authority. Judge Luddig dissented, assuring the public that his brethren would likely reverse the decision when they reheard it en banc. Indeed, the first ruling was reversed on March 5, 1999 when, in a 7-4 en banc decision, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals held that Congress did not have the authority to create the Civil Rights Remedy.  Brzonkala v. Virginia Polytechnic, 169 F.3d 820 (4th Cir. 1999) (this full text version is optional; excerpts from the case are assigned below).  Please read these excerpts from the Circuit Court decision; as you read, please note that much of the argument references US v. Lopez, a Supreme Court case striking down Congressional legislation criminalizing gun possession near public schools.  U.S. v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 115 S. Ct. 1624, 131 L.Ed.2d 626 (1995).  The Court in Lopez held that legislation to be an unconstitutional assertion of Congressional power under the Commerce Clause.

Secondly, on April 12, 2024, Judge Andreou made a significant decision to dispose of a case that had been under his jurisdiction. This decision was made after the sudden realization that the case had already been transferred to the Federal court on January 25, 2024. The plaintiff, in this case, had been proactive in her legal proceedings, having submitted her Motion for Attorney Representation, an application to proceed without prepaying fees or cost affidavit, and a Motion for Extension of Time. Plaintiff was never served with claim, was unaware the case was transferred to the federal court, and seeks legal representation and has “limited” Pro Se capabilities and/or resources.

These legal documents were crucial in her pursuit of justice, as they were intended to facilitate her legal representation, alleviate her financial burden, and provide her with additional time to prepare her case, respectively. However, on April 30, 2024, these documents were unfortunately rejected due to efiling (ebox) filing issues. This rejection was a setback for the plaintiff, as it meant that her legal proceedings were temporarily halted due to technical difficulties. The professional tone of this situation underscores the importance of meticulous attention to detail in legal proceedings, as even minor errors can lead to significant delays. It also highlights the need for efficient and reliable electronic filing systems in the judicial system, to ensure that all parties involved in a case can proceed without unnecessary hindrances.


To withstand a challenge under Rule 12(b)(6), “a complaint must set forth ‘factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged.’” Bowman v. Iddon, 848 F.3d 1034, 1039 (D.C. Cir. 2017) (quoting Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009)). A court reviewing a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) must “accept as true all of the factual allegations contained in the complaint and draw all inferences in favor of the nonmoving party.” Autor v. Pritzker, 740 F.3d 176, 179 (D.C. Cir. 2014). Moreover, “[a] complaint survives a motion to dismiss even ‘if there are two alternative explanations, one advanced by [the] defendant and the other advanced by [the] plaintiff, both of which are plausible.’” Banneker Ventures, LLC v. Graham, 798 F.3d 1119, 1129 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (quoting Starr v. Baca, 652 F.3d 1202, 1216 (9th Cir. 2011) (first bracket added)). Even if the defendant believes that its version will “prove to be the true one”, that does not relieve defendant of its obligation to respond to a complaint that states a plausible claim for relief, and to participate in discovery. 


Plaintiff’s complaint states a claim upon which relief may be granted. Plaintiffs ask the courts to allow said case to proceed based on the following: 1. Defendants colluded with abuser former Chicago Bulls player Scottie Pippen to conceal and/or cover up rape, illegal seizure, stalking and/or harassment for political and monetary gain, willfully causing Plaintiff and her family immense and irreparable mental, emotional, financial, psychological duress. 2. Defendants willfully used Plaintiff information, data and confidentially protected (collected) information and/or access to the Chicago Housing Authority, to abuse, misuse and exploit Plaintiff high profiler stalking circumstances for personal advancement, political gains and posturing; including and not limited to securing the Democratic National Convention, securing said deal with Chicago Housing and the Chicago Fire land deal and other dealings abusing his authority and/or knowledge of plaintiff high profile domestic violence history and/or claims. 3. Defendants retaliated with “forced evictions”, “threats of harm and/or violence”, “delayed assistance”, obstruction of justice “threats of false imprisonment”, “witness tampering”, “slander” and “defamation of personal and professional character” using allies in political power to execute and/or enforce harassing behavior that has led to mental and emotional duress, for Plaintiff, her children and family.

I.                    Defendants colluded with abuser former Chicago Bulls player Scottie Pippen to conceal and/or cover up rape, illegal seizure, stalking and/or harassment for political and monetary gain, willfully causing Plaintiff and her family immense and irreparable mental, emotional, financial, psychological duress.

 In the case of Valentine v Scottie Pippen 2024L002166, the Plaintiff alleges that the Named Defendants, who held significant political positions and powers, egregiously abused their authority. The Plaintiff contends that these individuals, through their actions, evoked and enforced false imprisonment, mental detainments, and malicious arrests. These actions were purportedly taken to conceal their involvement in a series of heinous crimes, including the rape, illegal seizure, and murder of the Plaintiff's son. The Plaintiff further alleges that these Named Defendants threatened detainment as a means to suppress any potential exposure of their illicit activities. Moreover, the Plaintiff asserts that these individuals, in a calculated and malicious act of collusion and conspiracy, terminated housing benefits to further oppress and silence the Plaintiff. This termination of benefits, the Plaintiff argues, was a strategic move designed to cover up and conceal the crimes. The Plaintiff maintains that these actions were not only a gross misuse of power but also a flagrant violation of their rights.

In the context of the Valentine v Scottie Pippen 2024L002166 case, the Plaintiff accuses the Named Defendants of colluding to "cover up" these activities. The Plaintiff alleges that these individuals, while acting as an advocate on their behalf, were in fact working against them, further exacerbating the trauma and distress they were experiencing. The Plaintiff's allegations paint a picture of a deeply entrenched system of corruption and abuse of power, where those in positions of authority use their influence to perpetrate and conceal crimes, rather than uphold justice and protect the rights of individuals. The allegations made in this case underscore the urgent need for transparency, accountability, and justice in our political and legal systems. It is a stark reminder that those in positions of power must be held to the highest standards of conduct and integrity, and any deviation from these standards must be met with swift and appropriate legal action.

In his own word, after accepting VAWA complaint from Plaintiff on May 11, 2021, the Congressman spoke and said: Davis said about the "Violence Against Women Act," "While VAWA secured many transformative safeties, there remains much work to do to ensure the protection of all women. Unfortunately, one in three women today have experienced sexual and domestic violence and even higher rates for women of color and women from marginalized communities." REP. DANNY K. DAVIS APPLAUDS THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FOR PROVIDING GRANTS TO PROTECT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. September 30, 2021. Davis continued, "It is vitally important that our women and children, and anyone which experience domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are protected. Unfortunately, there are too many creeps out there just waiting to prey."

II.                 Defendants willfully used Plaintiff information, data and confidentially protected (collected) information and/or access to the Chicago Housing Authority, to abuse, misuse and exploit Plaintiff high profiler stalking circumstances for personal advancement, political gains and posturing.

The Defendants, in a calculated and willful manner, exploited the Plaintiff's confidential information, data, and access to the Chicago Housing Authority, which was collected and protected under stringent confidentiality norms. This egregious misuse of information was not only a violation of trust but also a blatant abuse of the Plaintiff's high-profile stalking circumstances.

The Defendants manipulated this sensitive situation for their personal advancement, political gains, and strategic posturing. This exploitation extended to accepting various forms of bribes, including monetary gifts, trips, and even Chicago Bulls tickets, all under the guise of "covering up" events. These events were directly related to the tragic murder of Devonte Pippen, a case that has been marred by threats, stalking harassments, and various activities of domestic violence.

The Defendants' actions have further complicated the claims involving Scottie Pippen, adding another layer of complexity to an already convoluted situation. Their actions have not only undermined the integrity of the legal process but also further victimized the Plaintiff, who is already grappling with the traumatic aftermath of stalking and violence. The professional tone of this paragraph underscores the gravity of the Defendants' actions and the serious implications of their willful misuse of confidential information.

In the case of Valentine v. Chi. Hous. Auth., 2023 Ill. App. 230271, the defendants egregiously abused their powers, authority, and privileged access to the plaintiff's personal information. This abuse was not merely an overreach of their authority, but a calculated and systematic effort to suppress the plaintiff's testimony and exploit the data gathered for their personal and political gains.

The defendants, in their positions of power, had access to sensitive information, which they unscrupulously used to their advantage, thereby violating the plaintiff's rights. When the plaintiff attempted to report and document these abuses, she was met with malicious prosecution, a clear attempt to silence her and further exploit the power imbalance. This case underscores the potential for misuse of authority and the importance of checks and balances within systems of power. It also highlights the courage of individuals like the plaintiff, who despite facing significant obstacles, strive to hold those in power accountable for their actions. The defendants' actions in this case are a stark reminder of the potential for corruption within systems of power, and the necessity for vigilance and transparency to prevent such abuses.

III.              Defendants retaliated with “termination of CHA housing benefits for endorsing and/or working with other candidates, “forced evictions”, “threats of harm and/or violence”, “physical assault” by staff members of the Congressman’s staff,  “delayed assistance”, “obstruction of justice”, “threats of false imprisonment”, “witness tampering”, “slander” and “defamation of personal and professional character” using allies in political power to execute and/or enforce harassing behavior that has led to mental and emotional duress, for Plaintiff, her children and family.

Since the Plaintiff filed the claim on January 23, 2024, the Defendants have engaged in a series of retaliatory actions that have not only violated her rights but also caused significant mental and emotional distress. The Defendants, who are in positions of power, have used their influence to terminate the Plaintiff's CHA housing benefits, a move that appears to be a punishment for her endorsement and collaboration with other political candidates. This action has not only left the Plaintiff in a precarious housing situation but also sent a chilling message to others who might consider challenging the status quo.
Moreover, the Defendants have resorted to "forced evictions", a tactic that is not only illegal but also inhumane. These evictions have left the Plaintiff and her family in a state of constant fear and uncertainty, disrupting their lives and causing undue hardship. The Defendants have also made "threats of harm and/or violence", a clear violation of the Plaintiff's right to safety and security. These threats have been carried out by staff members of the Congressman's office, further highlighting the abuse of power at play. In addition to these egregious actions, the Defendants have also engaged in "physical assault", an act that is not only criminal but also morally reprehensible. The Plaintiff has been subjected to "delayed assistance", a tactic that seems designed to wear her down and force her to abandon her claim. The Defendants have also engaged in "obstruction of justice", a serious offense that undermines the integrity of our legal system.

Furthermore, the Defendants have made "threats of false imprisonment", a clear attempt to intimidate the Plaintiff and prevent her from pursuing her claim. They have also engaged in "witness tampering", a tactic that undermines the fairness of the legal process and threatens the Plaintiff's right to a fair trial.

The Defendants have also resorted to "slander" and "defamation of personal and professional character", actions that have caused significant damage to the Plaintiff's reputation. These actions have not only harmed the Plaintiff personally but also professionally, affecting her ability to earn a living and support her family.

The Defendants have used their allies in political power to execute and enforce this harassing behavior, a clear abuse of power that undermines the principles of democracy and justice. This behavior has led to significant mental and emotional duress for the Plaintiff, her children, and her family. The actions of the Defendants are not only illegal but also deeply unethical, and they must be held accountable for their actions.

The named defendants in this case have been identified as active and willful participants in all aspects of the plaintiff's private, personal, and professional life. Their involvement has been so pervasive that it has led to significant and detrimental consequences for the plaintiff. One of the most egregious instances of their interference was the illegal seizure that occurred in 2008, which resulted in the complete dissolution and destruction of the plaintiff's family. This incident was orchestrated for and with Scottie Pippen, a notable figure in the plaintiff's life. The aftermath of this event led to two federal filings, specifically 2010cv04751 and 2011cv08532. Unfortunately, these filings were dismissed due to the plaintiff's limited knowledge and understanding of federal laws and procedures. This lack of legal expertise served as a significant barrier for the plaintiff, preventing her from effectively pursuing justice and holding the defendants accountable for their actions. It is important to note that the defendants' actions were not isolated incidents, but rather part of a larger pattern of behavior that has caused significant harm to the plaintiff. The professional tone of this paragraph underscores the seriousness of the allegations and the need for a thorough investigation into the defendants' actions.

The egregious abuse of authority and power by the Congressman and his staff has been a matter of grave concern. They have exploited their positions and access to influential local leaders, including Governor JB Pritzker, Congressman Jonathan Jackson, Mayors Lori Lightfoot and Brandon Johnson, Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, State’s Attorney Kim Fox, Alderman Leslie Hairston, Southshore Chamber Trina Trice and numerous Cook County judges, clerks, employees and clergy. Their objective has been to evade accountability and discredit the Plaintiff from filing legal action or claims against Scottie Pippen. This concerted effort has been aimed at concealing the alleged rape, illegal seizure, and murder of the Plaintiff's children, Devonte Pippen, Dejanara Valentine, and Torrence Thomas Jr. The Congressman and his staff have used their power and authority not to uphold justice, but to slander the Plaintiff, manipulating the narrative to their advantage. This misuse of power and authority is not only unethical but also undermines the very principles of justice and fairness that our society is built upon.

It is a stark reminder of the need for checks and balances in our system, to prevent such exploitation and ensure that every individual, regardless of their status or influence, is held accountable for their actions. See Valentine et al v. DCFS et al 1:2010cv04751 and Valentine et al v. D.C.F.S. et al 1:2011cv08532.

The facts of this case can be assessed only after the discovery and both parties’ submission of evidence regarding the propriety and reasonableness of the defendant delay in acting on plaintiff’s complaints. For now, the only facts that matter are those that plaintiff has alleged, considered in the light most favorable to it, and those facts properly allege a cause of action Giffords v. FEC (19-1192) Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion.

I certify that all statements made in this Motion are true and correct. I understand that making false statements is perjury under 735 ILCS 5/1-109.


       WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully asks this Court For the reasons outlined above, and for reasons outlined in complaint above, and grant the Plaintiff to continue said claim, based on the damages incurred because of said derelict of duties, abuses of powers and violations as outlined, and ask the Defendant(s) Motion to Dismiss be denied.

This was filed on June 8, 2024

ONLINE CLASSES: Pro Se Basics: Courthouse 102