Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Bulls Response... Thanks, you explainedit much better

My Response: Motion to Amend & Make Compliant

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"When the Saints Go Marching In"...

ARCHIVES: https://chevettevalentine.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/valentine-vs-dcfs-revisited/

Valentine vs DCFS revisited

10:29 am THE VIEW to EMILY: HERO OF THE DAY! For donating her hair to those who do not have any due to medical reasons!

8:48 am You know how I know Illinois is full of shit, all they have to do is Pay my sons funeral bill, that’s it and I am gone. It is that simple. I walk away from all deals, I will even donate all I own to charity and take only what I need. It is really simple PAY DJ’S FUNERAL COST and I AM GONE! The mere fact that we are fighting about that let’s me know you never planned on paying. I stop begging and write off all debt in July! My soul will rest!

8:46 am A man walks his ass across two building, and you watch to see if his crazy ass will fall, and call that entertaining. I voice my freedom of speech, my opinion and expose corruption and I am crazy, WTF! LOL Funny! I love EXPOSING the DEVIL!

8:44 am Three pancakes and a polish, ah, what a relief! Life is good…

8:30 am You can STUDY for yourself, it is all listed right here, yes $33 million! And I don’t need Deja and/or her testimony to do any of it. Anything that happens to her as a result is a direct result of what happened here!

Valentine et al v. DCFS et al

Plaintiff:Chevette A. Valentine, DeVonte Valentine Pippen and Dejanara Valentine
Defendant:DCFS, Hull House, Maureen P. Feerick, Candice Fabri, John H. Huff, Maureen L. Delehanty, Louis Crisostomo, Arlene Floren, Nicolas Youngblood, Todd Kooperman, Erwin Mc Ewin, Ayoola Bioola, Miller Anderson, Anthony Grady, John Huff, Clarence Woods, Joyce Viglione, Vanessa Lankford, Carol Randolph, Kyla Sutton, Booker Washington, Amy Douglass, Felicia Poindexter, Aisha Seals, Julia Johnson, Lanetta Haynes, Annie Higgins, Melanie Davis Foote, Cecila Brock, Carl C. Bell, Grant White, Monique Smith, Mary Doe and Kristy Kunstman Stern
Case Number:1:2010cv04751
Filed:July 29, 2010

8:21 am BRIAN: Does Leslie use her influence with you because of Sandy? That is how you got set up sweetie, Rahm that is how they planned to discredit Ike Carothers and had him sent to jail, pay attention! You don’t know this system like I do!

8:20 am When you find out that DCFS taking kids was just as popular as sending kids to prison was a BUSINESS, my case alone cost over $250,000 for 4 years, I am so serious, that is how they LURED my children!

8:06 am I have so many names to TEAR OFF THE WALL and expose! I could SUE the STATE of ILLINOIS for $33 million and WIN… or WALK AWAY… Both filing were while my son was ALIVE so I am not doing this for money! Again I would rather WALK AWAY!

  • Valentine et al v. D.C.F.S. et al :: Justia Dockets & Filings

    dockets.justia.com › … › Illinois › Illinois Northern District Court

    Nov 30, 2011 – Plaintiff: D.V., D.P. and Chevette A. Valentine. Defendant: D.C.F.S., Jane Adams Hull House, Public Defender, Public Guardian and CASA.

  • Valentine et al v. DCFS et al :: Justia Dockets & Filings

    dockets.justia.com › … › Illinois › Illinois Northern District Court

    Jul 29, 2010 – Plaintiff: Chevette A. Valentine, DeVonte Valentine Pippen and DejanaraValentine. Defendant: DCFS, Hull House, Maureen P. Feerick, …

  • TNT night time to think out LOUD | Prophetess Valentine


    Mar 5, 2013 – Nov 30, 2011 – Illinois Northern District Court – Civil Rights – Other Civil Rights – Valentine et al vD.C.F.S. et al – Justia Federal Dockets and …

  • Kauffman vs Illinois | Prophetess Valentine


    Sep 4, 2009 – http://chevetteavalentine.shutterfly.com/pippenvalentine … But that very morning the GAL & DCFS initiated a false arrest action against Ayalla’s …

  • 8:05 am When you learn how DCFS stripped me of my PARENTAL RIGHTS ILLEGALLY and PUT ME OUT OF HEARINGS I HAD RIGHTS TO BUT ALLOWED THE FOSTER PARENTS TO STAND IN MY PLACE, they did not destroy all the files, I still have all of mines!

    8:02 am I used to laugh at and with my children, about how I should have spanked them but did not. I always respected them for the people I raised them to be, not for what society dictated they should be. When you look at the numbers of children taken out of certain homes in certain communities, you will find that DCFS abused power and a system, they were MEETING NUMBERS!

    7:59 am I thank God I am and always was a great mother, abuse and neglect were never founded, however my children were brainwashed and abused by the system. GOD WILL JUDGE! I mean any time you teach a child to disobey their parent knowing that is a sin, and/or to disobey GOD. My children were well raised and grounded at New Birth, they took the truth and turned it all into lies… for money, power and fame. Sandy did not think she could fall either, but I am certain Jesse Sr. helped push her. People underestimate the power of the IN LAW is in a persons life. I am a great find to bring home, smile.

    7:54 am I know you GOT CLOSE because of DAWN and the GOVERNOR but I could not put my finger on why RAHM kept you away from me, yes I did notice that. Rahm stood right between us when we posed with him… How does everybody know something but don’t nobody know nothing? Explain that to me, these are the ones who are writing the reports. Now if I can prove she shared my medical files, I have a clear violation of Rights to Privacy…. It takes time to make all of this make sens to those investigating. She knew WHO Deja was when she met her, that was not her first time.

    7:51 am WGCI: This is nothing but LOVE baby, I am LOVING this HUG…. My Scottie Pippen Anthem, and EVERYONE knows how and why I feel like I do, that was the WORST relationship I had, no comment. I have my sons ashes, with or without that bill paid, I am gone! This is my 6 month Good Bye!

    7:45 am There are TONS of JOB opportunities in Texas, Phoenix and Vegas, narrowing my option to which city is my main decision now. Nothing personal but I like to keep my options open and I do not want to direct an arrow to my future. There are many components I need in place, housing has to be nice and affordabale, jobs have to be plentiful (some jobs actually start employees at $13.00, I never have trouble finding NORMAL EMPLOYMENT only when in Illinois 😦 I know right? Schools are very important and last but not least the social circle baby… As of July 2015 my baby boy will be 18, my term of sentencing is over! I told him last night, (slave lingo) I’s free, I’s free, my sentence is served. Deja does not like this area and I am not chasing her. As long as home is here when she wants to return I am here but she has her own family, unlike our generation, when we came home with babies… we were put out the house. I would never do that to my child.. Ask LEslie Hairston what they trained her to think. If you think for one moment Leslie did not know who I am, before Sandy got caught up, you are just as naive as she is. He big surprise was last Summer when she found out how close I am to Dawn! Stupid Bitch, Dawn is not going to help you and I lost a son, really!

    7:44 am No Matter what happens in my life I have my music and those who calm my nerves, Rhianna, I feel much better. I think I am going to start working out to get my body back in shape before I go. I need something to do with my time! This sounds like great work out music!


    7:20 am Okay I am adjusting to time, it is 7 am but my body says it is 8:20 Ugh! This is no fun, giggle

    7:19 am That is a GREAT SIGN, I enter the room and BEYONCE is singing, I feel much better! Sigh! Exhale…

    7:17 am I do so much better when I am just myself, I represent who I am and where I am from, just me being natural!

    7:13 am You know what, I don’t know Steve… going to where I know the WHOLE CREW… turn with me effective “NOW” we MOVED to www.WGCI.com with my family! I no longer wish and/or desire to argue with Steve HArvey, it is too stressful, so I am moving in the STUDIO just trying to get to you babe!

    7:12 am V103: Child please you know I will pack up and go so fast…

    6:53 am I will not be in anybody’s face, for what, that is not my job and I don’t get paid for that. I will use this space and time like I always do, to entertain my readers and play, responding to what I see, my interpretation (understanding).

    6:45 am I look forward to moving along, fist and foremost as the rally begins to rangle in those who lied and took part in my sons death start unfolding, on one hand I want to stand and watch, the other I want to walk away and watch you perish from afar. I try to push myself, but the more I look at the FAKE and PHONY people around me the more I want to distant myself from people who want to play a role they did not earn, and lie about how they acquire it and the people they stepped on to do so. I should have known Leslie was helping Dawn and Sandy, I mean why not… and you look me in my face knowing you cost me a son? I have to leave trust me, I need to keep my distance from many. And no that is not a threat, I want you to go to jail too bad to jeopardize that, but once you are a civilian again, I might think about it!

    6:43 am I took a long hard thought this past weekend, I looked at myself and asked why I am so unhappy and I came to one result. I have been working my ass off trying to PROVE this and that to a bunch of flawed and imperfect people who used me to hide their hidden racist views and opinions. I was attacked on every level from knowing and caring for other races, to my religion, to whom I have sex with. My response to all of this is IT AIN”T YOUR MF BUSINESS.

    6:41 am You want my time, PAY ME, just like you do for anyone else. I am overdone playing the background role when you know who I am and what I do, and others take credit. I do not care who WINS for office in JULY I will be GONE! I am not interested in Brian I thought that could pacify me, I was WRONG that is not good enough. I am ready to leave Illinois, where I can focus, think and live free of opinions, insults, non stop verbal abuse and insults and questions. My only GOAL from this point forth is to work forth towards moving on. I am THAT TIRED!

    6:36 am I am so ready to go, but this encourages me that once I am gone, NOT to return for any reason. I have MOST MAJOR ISSUES mapped out and I am ready to execute my plans and be OUT OF ILLINOIS no later than JULY 2015. I tried to leave by Friday (November 7) my finances are in array and I am owed $30,000 of missing Child Support and again, my sons funeral expenses have not been paid by the CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION FUND and the sooner they pay, the faster I leave. After that I promise NOT TO LOOK BACK!

    6:32 am Inasmuch as I look bipolar as hell, right now, Do I stay or do I go? When I go when do I go? What is the right time to go, I am ready to go NOW! If I could pack this house and leave TODAY I would! I am here in body and not in spirit, trying to pull together all lose ends before I leave so once I am gone I do not have to return. The mere fact that this dare devil would make BUM jokes, that is not as funny as my desire for you to fall your ass off the wire, smile, now don’t Debbie Down my mood and be glad you lived to joke about it, there is your response.

    6:31 am HAte to BUM YOU OUT

    Nic Whateverthefuck, does not interest me, nor his feat. You can be vulgar and insulting all you like, it motivates me to dig a bigger hole in the dessert, I don’t care.

    12:40 am I am in my 40’s, looking to recreate myself, where do I begin??? Everyone seems to be concerned with my heart, I need to find a healthy relationship that GROWS me… where do I start? This is only temporary, but I am finally starting to consider… I think I will only attend school, work part time until I am gone, cutting loose ends and final deals.

    12:20 am Up early, trying to find something on TV and I found PRINCE… I know I need to FIND ANOTHER LOVER!

    See you in the morning…



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