Monday, August 12, 2024

Valentine vs Waterton for $600,000

Intentionally Infestation Unit at Presidential Towers #BedBugs

Oh yes before I forget Carly, 

Please refrain from asking "leading" and/or "guidance questions" you have completed your law degree, acts of desperation using (abusing) access as a licensed lawyer does not look good, such misconduct might result in a ARDC complaint.

That is so desperate, if you do not know your job, feel insecure and/or not confident pass my case to an attorney who knows what they are doing, is this your first case out of law school?

You chastise me for not properly labeling the case Waterton Residential LLC but you are asking the judge how to file, girl bye!

Officers (including judges) are not allowed to offer advice and/or guidance in any legal matter, your quest for favor and/or direction were nothing short of seeking biased favorability, here is the problem... you are the paid attorney, you should know the routine.

One more attempt and I shall use all available means to file a complaint against you!!! 

Common complaints of ethical misconduct include improper demeanour; failure to properly disqualify when the judge has a conflict of interest; engaging in ex parte communication and failure to execute their judicial duties in a timely fashion. Behaviour outside of the courtroom can also be at issue.