I could sit here and discuss how you chased me from home to home, this jealous rivalry you have with your brother is noted, but more importantly... It is noted how you took crypto currency (fake money) for that seat.
Dawn Hendricks Milhouse, Lisa McCoy, and Scottie Pippen have sold your sorry ass off...
Now let's be political... your father is NOTHING without "Me"
My grandmother made you, built you, and now that I know you are targeting me, I shall break you.
Keep talking, I know this is the vote that will bury your father!!!
LOL!!! Hell yes I am laughing, you are broke, less qualified, have no training, are an embarrassment, and I will not tolerate you, in fact, note to Jackie Collins, do not fret, he has not won yet, this is the position (dream) that will bury his father.
If you did not know... My grandmother introduced and managed Jesse Jackson Sr., when he ran for President, she assisted him in the building and opening of Operation PUSH and handled Dr. King (my real father).
My grandmother introduced Jesse Sr., to Trump, I guess you forgot all that money he used to contribute hun Al Sharpton?
Prince Charles reminded me that Debbie arranged for Jesse Sr., to meet in 1977, you are nothing without Debbie, and I am not supporting losers, please keep your distance from me!
Do you remember the day your father explained the truth to the room, Jonathan? Of course, you do...
CAIN AND ABLE, I would never in the worst way, on a bad day marry into a "gay culture of disappointment", season of Paul...
Let me explain Jonathan took $1 million of Crypto money from Magic Johnson via Dawn and Lisa, they are buying seats, here is his problem.. half of the money you accepted was fake, LOL
They bought him into that seat, the same way Obama sold out Jesse Jr.
Please talk so I can explain to all of those who are actually qualified, not playing a "Daddy Boy".
When I give a damn about your feelings I will let you know, and you conspired against me.
Rainbow Fentanyl, let me guess is thiS A NEW PUSH???
Jonathan, it would be such a tragedy if you were to overdose from your own medicine, what a shame... so now Jackie Collins that is how Jonathan beat you out of that seat. I personally wanted Pat Dowell to win, using money from Magic Johnson Chicago has lost 1/3 of City Council seats, blacks are dying from drugs, black girls are being sold off to the Lisarays is a Ghana HIV/AIDS queen, and Dawn cannot raise money for the Obama library.
Jonathan Jackson is an embarrassment, I have no problem explaining what I know.
I don't have HIV and I am not interested in a Daddy's Boy Toy!
Dawn and Lisa are "undetectable" they are not cured, Magic is selling his Magic drugs for his chocolate chip cookies, and spoiled milk.
I will be heading back to Vegas soon...
Pritzker met me on the RED LINE after I kept dodging bullets, this is not about money, and this bullshit makes no sense.
I cursed Gator out after meeting Prtizger, see I told you Pippen was insane, a building blew up last week on the Westside... Chicago looks like a WAR ZONE