Thirteen years. Thirteen years since the world lost a piece of itself, and I lost everything. Thirteen years since Scottie Pippen, the man who stole my innocence and shattered my family, continues to walk free. Thirteen years of living with the scars of his actions, the constant reminder of a justice system that failed me.
They call him a legend. They celebrate his career. They ignore the truth. They ignore the pain. They ignore me.
I was a young woman, filled with dreams and aspirations. He was a powerful figure, a god among men in the eyes of many. He saw weakness, and he exploited it. He took from me something I can never get back.
And then, the unthinkable happened. My son... My beautiful, innocent son... Gone.
The pain is a constant companion. The anger, a raging fire. The world moves on, oblivious to the gaping hole in my soul. Scottie Pippen, meanwhile, lives his life, untouchable, unburdened.
Cook County has ERASED everything about him. #Politicians #Police #CorruptCourts
He continues to stalk me, a constant reminder of the horror I endured. And the systematic dysfunction that protects him from accountability.
The fans, those blind followers, they cheer him on. They glorify his image.
They refuse to acknowledge the truth, the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of their hero. They are complicit in his silence, in his continued evasion of accountability.
I am not asking for sympathy. I am not asking for forgiveness. I am demanding justice. I am demanding that the world open its eyes and see the truth.
Scottie Pippen is not a hero. He is a predator. He is a coward. He is a disgrace.
And I will not be silenced.
Disclaimer: This blog post reflects the author's deeply personal and traumatic experiences. It contains sensitive content that may be upsetting to some readers. The accusations made in this post are serious and require due process. It's important to remember that everyone is entitled to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
It is crucial to address issues of sexual violence and abuse with the utmost seriousness and to support survivors in their pursuit of justice.
This blog post is intended to provide a platform for the author to share their experiences and express her feelings.