Sunday, July 7, 2024

Yes, this is what happened to Tupac... Almost got Dre too...



My name is Chevy; I relocated to Clark County Las Vegas by way of Tucson,  Arizona from Chicago. I am a 49 year old mother of 4 (one deceased son) and 12 grandchildren. I  relocated to Las Vegas to start a bed and breakfast at 2801 Pinto Lane, Las Vegas Nevada 89107. I have  met with Nevada State Bank, and several potential investors for this project. 

I am a survivor of Domestic Violence from NBA Basketball Player Scottie Pippen; we dated when he  played for the Chicago Bulls in 1985. Our casual relationship was an on and off again cycle of destruction  that resulted in my being raped by Scottie Pippen and his brother Carl Pippen on February 14, 1993. A  rape kit was collected at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago.  

After reporting said rape to law enforcement, local media, and others who shared the same personal and  professional circles I was blackballed or banished from Chicago citing my story of rape was fabricated to  tarnish the reputation of a professional athlete. 

I was banned from housing, employment, school and so forth, the problem is I conceived a son. 

In April on 1993 a rapper who I worked with privately named Tupac Shakur came to visit Chicago, he  sent me tickets to come visit him at his performance that evening. As I watched the performance Scottie  Pippen who is notorious for his outbreaks of rage, sent a security guard over to slap me and kick me out  of the nightclub. 

PTSD INDICATOR: Scottie Pippen has a duly documented history of summarily dismissing me, causing  public scenes then using his celebrity to discredit me, make me look crazy or kicking me out of events. In  addition he is also noted for using Judges, Police, Medical Professionals and others to discredit, distort  facts or get an outcome that he desires to cover his story.  

6 months later Tupac Shakur was shot in Las Vegas, and that is where the story begins… 

Since the birth of said child my life has been a living hell. I am a college student double major, double  minor. Major: Criminal Justice, Business; Minor Hospitality and Culinary Arts. In 1995 I worked for the  Illinois Department of Corrections, Statesville Joliet, I had to resign my position as you are not allowed to  have any felony acquaintances, some of us are born unlucky I guess. Professionally I am known as a  community advocate, private hire security, or call center support staff.  

I have worked in the entertainment industry all my life, my grandmother Debbie Valentine while alive  promoted artist like Sammy Davis Jr., Diana Ross, James Brown, Mel Brooks, Frank Sinatra, Liberace,  and Dean Martin… that legacy list is endless. Her most notable work was promoting boxing events with  Don King and Donald Trump; she is also a critical person to mention when you discuss Hugh Heffner  relocating the Playboy mansion from Chicago to the West Coast, which led to my relocation to Las  Vegas. 

In politics I am respected for my work with President Barak Obama, my team of promotion specialist  were responsible for many historical events, including and not limited to the surprise guest appearances  arranged by my best friend Dawn Millhouse, arranging birthday celebrations by both President Barack 

and First Lady Michelle Obama, with Governor Pat Quinn as I prepared to depart Chicago at the end of  his terms. 

This information is to establish a foundation of my legacy past and history. Which is why this public  tragedy is a personal hell, and I would like to explain how this has converted now into your courts. 

On 2 separate occasions I have been pulled before the courts for eviction cases, the first was at  Cornerstone Crossing Apartments located at 6666 W Washington, Las Vegas Nevada 89107. I signed a  one year lease to reside there with a lease contingent upon my passing a Southern Nevada Housing Inspection. 

Throughout my statement I will highlight examples of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS INDICATIORS with italics. From the moment I arrived at Cornerstone, a trend or pattern of his presence was immediately  noticeable. Items in my unit would be moved, footprints on my carpets, my dog would act strange, and I have new neighbors, who are very disruptive, a trend of behavior with Scottie Pippen that has carried over  from Chicago, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Arkansas, Tucson and now Las Vegas.  

When paternity was established he attempted to bribe District Judge Fred Throne of Crittenden County  Arkansas, they would take no parts in his foolishness. In fact Judge Throne forced him to pay child  support, which he somehow evaded in Chicago, and documented his abuse in Crittenden County (see  support documents). It was embarrassing that they never knew who actually took the DNA test so they  listed both names on all documents. It was Judge Fred Thorne who insisted that they may have switched  the DNA results to relieve Pippen of paternal financial responsibility. 

PTSD INDICATOR: Mike Tyson had a fight in Memphis in June 2002, I worked security for Mike Tyson  and Tony Pitts at The Clique Night Club in Chicago, owner Calvin Hollis on New Year’s Eve 1992 prior  to Tyson going to jail, and I was his security escort. 3 days after that fight, the brakes went out on my car  and I crashed head on into an 18-wheeler truck. I was diagnosed as never being able to walk again, but I  lived and I walk. 

After paternity (or what we thought was paternity) was established I returned to Chicago with a young  son, the next NBA legend in my arms. Immediately the children were illegally seized and taken into  protective custody all to avoid Scottie Pippen being exposed as a rapist and domestic violence abuser. For  four years I attended courts on a weekly basis fighting for custody of my child and children that did not  belong to him. He used the excuse of mental illness, but none was ever found.  

Pippen used his influence with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to have my children seized and falsify  reports about them being neglected and abused, Governor Blagojevich was later sent to prison for 14  years (I forgot what they called it). Pippen used his influence with then Dr. Carl Bell of Community  Mental Health Council, to attempt to force me on drugs that would impair my ability to think, make  decisions and operate on a daily basis, when Governor Pat Quinn learned they were forcing and falsifying  falsie opioid prescriptions he shut the clinic down.  

After 4 years of holding my children in states custody, the only thing the state found or stated I was found  to be guilty of was self-prescribing medication (marijuana) due to pain from my many injuries. 

Two Federal claims were filed for $33 million in the state of Illinois 1:2010cv04751 and 1:2011cv08532 where it was recorded and documented the names of Judges (or former judges) who were paid to rule  cases in Pippen’s favor, regardless to the merits of my case.  

PTSD INDICATOR: January 19, 2012 my son Devonte Pippen was shot at close range what is now  being investigated as a police shooting in Chicago. I was dating a high figured police officer at the time  close in ranking to the Mayor of Chicago, the devastation of being betrayed by brothers and sisters in law  enforcement who I once worked with, was a betrayal that I could not recover from. I have sacrificed my  life to community service, I intervene in some of the deadliest situations to bring about a peaceful resolve,  to lose my own child after so many years of service, was more than I could bare. 

May 6, 2016 I sold all possessions and moved out of Chicago to Tucson, where Pippen continued to stalk  me unnoticed, and on June 19, 2017 I relocated to Las Vegas. If I can I would like to share the current  PTSD indicators that have occurred that you will personally have knowledge of. 

PTSD INDICATOR: September 2017: Evictions actions began against me with Cornerstone Crossing,  around that same time a car drove on the stairs of the court building, triggering an emotional PTSD  offset, at the same time I am being stalked by my neighbors. This makes me fearful of leaving the house  and/or coming to court.  

PTSD INDICATOR: September 2017: Various incidents where neighbors are entering my unit when I  am away from home. Police reports were filed. 

PTSD INDICATOR: October 2017: Preparation to see Janet Jackson at Mandalay Bay, shooting  occurs, this sets off a serious PTSD reaction, my drinking increases, I am unable to sleep, I am fearful of  leaving the house, feelings of anxiety are worst. 

PTSD INDICATOR: March 20, 2018 an anonymous neighbor calls police on me after confronting a  peeping Tom watching me exit the shower. I am taken to Spring Mountain Treatment Center, where a  police report was falsified, I am listed as a Jane Doe although you have my picture ID in your possession,  and I am refused a 72 hour hearing; then held for an additional 4 days without justification. 

PTSD INDICATOR: March 21, 2018 a Judge dies from Clark County Court, now I am afraid to attend  court! 

PTSD INDICATOR: February 2016 I nearly die from Carbon Monoxide poison, landlord forgot to  install a Carbon Monoxide detector, when I arrived at the hospital with a busted skull my level was 8, had  my level reached 10 I would have died. This promoted an immediate relocation out of Chicago. 

My summary is simply this, it is my opinion that the rulings in this court are personal in nature or  prejudicial for any of the noted reasons, whether it be discrimination because I am a knowledgeable black  woman who understands the law; my being a section 8 voucher holder which should have nothing to do  with my ability to articulate my grievances and complaints; my political position(s) and/or affiliations; or  my association with Pippen my concerns are not being equally reviewed in this court. 

I do have a mental illness, it is the same condition the city of Las Vegas suffers as a whole, I suffer from  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, my son died in my arms while his celebrity rapist father stood laugh. 

Some call it bipolar but the proper diagnosis is PTSD, this does not impair my ability to think, compete  functions, focus on my thinking or complete task. It simply means that a sudden incident (loss of a loved  one, accident, shooting, police sirens) may set off an emotional (nonviolent) reaction. 

PTSD INDICATOR: To treat my situation with any less regard than you do for the victims of October  1st is a form of discrimination. 

This brings me to this latest case, after filing legal action against my landlord for failing to deliver a unit  in a timely manner as promised, my landlord filed a retaliatory action of eviction. When this case was  presented to Judge David Brown I was allowed a partial testimony and submission of documents. 

During the first eviction case, Judge Brown who can clearly see that I am a woman, referred to me as a  man, that is sexual harassment, I did not find that to be funny, his comments were offensive and I find  that any time I stand before his bench I am subject to verbal abuse. He does not allow me to provide a fair  argument and his gesture, conduct, body movements and behavior is a serious concern. I cannot receive a  fair hearing if he has predetermined his outcome before the case is argued.  

In my strong opinion, Judge David Brown wanted to justify eviction based on either information he has  obtain about me privately, or based on misinformation provided by landlords who have slandered my  name due to rent discrimination. 

It is my observation that during yesterday’s hearing, he was optimistic about an eviction as he seemed  surprised to learn that my application for said unit in question did reveal that prior to occupancy a dog  was listed on my rental application, he ruled unfairly based on issues connected to my claim pending  against my current landlord CASE 18A000653. This matter was an action of retaliation not an eviction  issue and if he were not ruling with bias and prejudice he would have taken note of that fact. A claim was  entered for the landlord for $350 security deposit for my dog an amount that was never negotiated in my  lease agreement. 

The case was based on a 5 day detainer for having 3 dogs in my unit, per Clark County codes a  resident may have up to 3 dogs; per my HOA rules a resident may have up to 2 dogs.  

During his summary before ruling Judge David Brown inserted his personal feelings and emotions by  making statements like “Just because it reads you can have 3 dogs, does not mean you should”. Then he  went on to inset his personal opinion “I do not think you need 3 dogs” that is where he asserted his  personal opinion without giving credit to my opinion that was an abuse of his authority.  

After I presented a partial oral argument that the landlord knew I had a dog, and was planning to obtain  another, Judge David Brown responded, that he did not feel as if I needed an additional dog.  

Emotional Support Animals share the same rights and privileged as a Service Dog (animal) in that a  person who is disabled cannot be discriminated or denied housing when there is traditionally a no pet  policy. I offered to submit documents but was cut short on answers or my responses were totally  disregarded. This is very personal and emotional as my pets are more than animals they are a part of my  family. I do have a mental diagnosis from an attending physician but the diagnosis contradicts itself in  that it is an improper diagnosis. 

Discrimination of a mentally ill person or attempting to manipulate a person who is perceived to be  mentally ill is a strong offense, these rights that are protected by the American’s with Disabilities Act,  read that no person shall be discriminated for or because they are assumed to be mentally ill. It would  appear as though cases and claims that are valid, with merit and justifiable evidence are being improperly  ruled on with prejudice from this notion. 

Case 17A003122 and 17A003121 this is yet another case I would like to present for your review. The  attorneys sought to dismiss case 17A003121 citing the case has no merit. When the case was called before  the courts the case was passed as the Judge sitting for the trial lacked jurisdiction in the matter. Somehow  on April 3, 2018 this case was closed, although the status was pending service from the Defendant. I do  not know how this matter was closed, however documents are being submitted and if you review the  transcripts this case was continued to July 12, 2018. 

I have sought to obtain Temporary Orders of Protection as I have filed police reports advising Las Vegas  that I am a victim of stalking by Scottie Pippen and his known associates. I have also filed Domestic  Violence reports with Southern Nevada Housing Authority. I do have a complicated history of Domestic  Violence with NBA Basketball Player Scottie Pippen that led to the uninvestigated murder of our son  Devonte Pippen. This stalking activity has now transferred to Las Vegas, where Scottie Pippen uses his  influence to manipulate authorities, professionals and such to manipulate and abuse access to me. 

My final concern is case 18A000317 Valentine vs Days Inn, a case where I took a short term residency  from November 18, 2017 to December 22, 2017. My total charges for the stay were calculated at  $1,479.99 however I was charged on 10 separate occasions a total of $3,805.10 a difference of $2325.11.  

In the opening of this case Judge Adam Vander used his opening to express his drinking affiliation with  Attorney Jeffery Orr. He repeatedly addresses the fact that they were frequent drinking buddies and how  he did not want me to feel as though his personal affiliation would influence his ruling. Despite  presenting Days Inn credit card authorization from the hotel reflecting the overbilling, and over charges  the claim was dismissed and the charges were justified, yet the ruling claimed the case was judged on the  merits of the case.  

I close with this statement, it is duly noted that Scottie Pippen frequents Las Vegas, it is also well known  that he travels with a model and former friend of mines actress Lisaraye McCoy, a noted prostitute who  sells cocaine, and he drugs have killed off too many powerful figures for me to name. Yes, this all started  with the shooting of Tupac, Lisaraye filmed the video Toss It Up with Tupac hours before that shooting.  

Together Scottie Pippen will allow Lisaraye to act as if she is me, whether it is to pretend to be the mother  of my children or my replacement in life. I have moved on and he should to, I am not going to allow  either to distract me while living in Las Vegas. Either way I do not care, I have a $4 million dollar  business plan in my hands and too many investors to pitch to be distracted by that madness. 

As I prepare to submit my complaint to the Judicial Review Board I will also file copies with Senator Harry Reid, and members of Congress as my FEDERAL RIGHTS have been violated. I am not running  from Las Vegas, if you can catch OJ Simpson then catching Scottie Pippen should be child’s play. 


A judge shall uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary. A. An independent and honorable  judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. A judge should participate in establishing, maintaining  and enforcing high standards of conduct, and shall personally observe those standards so that the integrity  and independence of the judiciary will be preserved. The provisions of this Code are to be construed and  applied to further that objective. 

It is my opinion that Judge(s) in this court system to NOT review cases based on merit, calling into  question the antics, tactics and rational used in ruling matters.  

Canon 1A  

Deference to the judgments and rulings of courts depends upon public confidence in the integrity and  independence of judges. The integrity and independence of judges depends in turn upon their acting  without fear or favor. Although judges should be independent, they must comply with the law, including  the provisions of this Code. Public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary is maintained by the  adherence of each judge to this responsibility. Conversely, violation of this Code diminishes public  confidence in the judiciary and thereby does injury to the system of government under law. 

It is my opinion that based on the rulings; these judgments are entered with prejudice, and bias, calling  into questions the final outcomes. I have watched and studied proceedings and the rulings are  inconsistent. 


A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judge's activities. 

It is my opinion that Judge Adam Vander should have recused himself, by acknowledging his close  drinking affiliation that led to a bias ruling, allowing a favorable outcome to his drinking partner. This  judge knew his off duty activities were a challenge. I allowed the case to proceed because the evidence I  presented was compelling enough.  

Canon 2A  

Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must  avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant  public scrutiny. A judge must therefore accept restrictions on the judge's conduct that might be viewed as  burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly. 

Judge David Brown using statements from Paulette Dearing of Cornerstone has classified me as a  nuisance, he has categorically stereotyped me before this court, which has set the atmosphere to be my 

being treated “differently” or “special” when filing cases, seeking assistance, or arguing a case. Being a  criminal justice major, I have shared circles at the Chicago Urban League. 

I have sat at tables while Federal Judges discuss caseloads, arguments and opinions. I did not come to  Las Vegas to be a leader in the black advocacy movement, but I will volunteer with the NAACP if my  voice needs to be used in the assertion of African Americans. I pay taxes, I am a law abiding citizen and  my concerns and rights are protected as every other United States citizen.  


B. A judge shall not allow family, social, political or other relationships to influence the judge's judicial  conduct or judgment. A judge shall not lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests  of the judge or others; nor shall a judge convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in  a special position to influence the judge. A judge shall not testify voluntarily as a character witness. 

It is my observation and opinion that Judge David Brown is using “3rd party resources” to form opinions against me; it is also my opinion that his rulings may be based on political views and opinions. A no fault  eviction was granted, and now he is ignoring my rights that are protected under the Federal Law. 

It is my observation that Judge Adam Vander allowed his outside relationship(s) with Jeffery Orr to  impede his ability to rule fairly in my claim vs Days Inn. 

(4) A judge shall be patient, dignified and courteous to litigants, jurors, witnesses, lawyers and others  with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and shall require similar conduct of lawyers and of  staff, court officials, and others subject to the judge's direction and control. 

Judge David Brown(s) court room antics, expressions, emotions, cutting me off during testimony, rushing  me when trying to present document and/or evidence, his chastisement, his scheduling repeat dates  consuming my time, appears more to be a control tactic that a legal gesture. I have lived in Las Vegas for  9 months and I spend more time in eviction court than I do at home. I am not fond of his “legal dates” where I sit in a court room and am chastised or verbally abused for his enjoyment. Being called a man  (you can clearly see I am not) is hurtful, this is a form of sexual harassment and you record all sessions  that is not difficult to discover. My court appearances are not special sessions to be abused, or labeled as  being “off the bench”. Scottie Pippen and his foolishness has cost many people their careers and  livelihood, I am not running from Las Vegas. 

Where it appears that my knowledge of the law intimidated and offends many people in the Las Vegas  court system, it gives me concern that cases are prejudges or ruled prior to being called. If I am being  “targeted”, “black balled”, marked for being politically associated with one party or the other, that is a  violation of every ethical code of conduct a judge pledges to when taking an oath. I did mention I come  from a background of civil rights leaders didn’t I?  

I should not be judged for being associated with Obama, no more than I should be judged for my  affiliation with Trump. I do not want to be judged for having a child by Scottie Pippen no more than I 

want to be judged for birthing the granddaughter of Minister Louis Farrakhan. I do not want to be  exposing, exploited, or extorted for any reason or affiliation. I certainly do not want to be judged. 

Canon 3B (5)  

A judge must refrain from speech, gestures or other conduct that could reasonably be perceived as sexual  harassment and must require the same standard of conduct of others subject to the judge's direction and  control. A judge must perform judicial duties impartially and fairly. A judge who manifests bias on any  basis in a proceeding impairs the fairness of the proceeding and brings the judiciary into disrepute. Facial  expression and body language, in addition to oral communication, can give to parties or lawyers in the  proceeding, jurors, the media and others an appearance of judicial bias. A judge must be alert to avoid  behavior that may be perceived as prejudicial. 

During sessions with Judge David Brown and Judge Adam Vander, I was cut short during testimony.  When attempting to give my account or details, the judge(s) appeared disinterested and or unconcerned,  missing valid points in argument relevant to the case. This gave an appearance of bias, lack of interest or  predetermined ruling. I do not feel Judge David Brown is ruling with fairness and/or impartiality. 

Example Judge Brown Case 5/15/2018: Under oath, Pangea Property testified they did not know I had a  dog until April 4, 2018: 

In court a copy of my application for occupancy was presented, dated December 1st 2017 I think. It list I  have a dog; there is currently a small claim pending based on Pangea Property failure to deliver the unit  located at 325 Revere, while leading the witness testimony he ask if there is anything that shows I had a  dog prior to taking occupancy, they stated they did not know about Peppa. 

1. You are holding a copy of my application for occupancy, it list a dog; 

2. You lie and cite you did not know I had a dog until April 4, 2018 after I filed a small claim; 3. After you lied and said you did not know I have a dog I presented several emails that clearly state  dog; 

4. I am forced to pay a fee for having a dog, after they failed to deliver a unit as promised; 5. Pangea lied to courts citing no dogs allowed in this complex; 

They clearly lied (perjury) under oath, but because Judge David Brown had already determined he was  taking my dogs, and would have taken that one but she was listed on my application, he ruled against me  having Emotional Support Animals. 

When he could not rule against me he ordered me to pay a $350 fine for my dogs. He pre argued my small claim and allowed a counter claim. Need I mention the HOA allows 2 dogs; his personal opinion was I only needed one. There always seems to be a power struggle or a put me in my place session versus  a legal proceeding. In my opinion Judge David Brown is offended by my intellect and it impairs his  ability to rule fairly.

And I close by saying I recognize these antics, because Scottie Pippen uses the same method in each city.  HE has done this in Illinois, Georgia, Arkansas and Arizona. So please allow me to file this concern  before we go another step further. 

The constitution grants me the right to file a grievance or complaint when I feel my rights are being  denied. In addition I am promised that once I file said grievance I should be free from retaliation. How am  I supposed to receive a fair trial when the outcome has been decided before the case is presented, or if all  evidence will be to be ignored? 

For the record I am not the only resident at Alexis Heights with multiple dogs. In fact one resident has 4  cats, multiple have 2 dogs and one other resident has 3. I am targeted because I am a black woman. I do  not complain when I am called a nigger, or bitch or even when people try to run me off the road while  walking. 

However the manner in which law enforcement officials, medical professionals and such have violated  my rights, as if I am mentally incapable of understanding is amazing. Judge Brown allowed this Landlord  to perjure himself in court, with documents in hand. Because the judge was so focused on chastieng me,  he lost focus on his role. 

Be not dismayed my business plan may not work in Las Vegas, I have no problem taking my business to  Los Angeles California. I want to do business in a city where I am celebrated, not tolerated. My civil  rights were violated in court on yesterday and now I fear my safety is in jeopardy in this city, that being  said I am compelled to file this complaint for the record and send copies to the members of the House and  Senate that I have affiliations or associations with, including and not limited to Nevada Senator Harry  Reid. 

It is clearly noted among the African American community they Las Vegas is not fair and/or friendly to  blacks. I want to also add that many of my friends in the entertainment industry including and not limited  to Bennett from the Seahawks has had incidents with police, as well as the occurrences with police at  UNLV. To protect myself, I am filing this complaint as I have a right to, included are personal testimony  along with recounting of events.  

Whereas I have endured my fair share of racial inspired moments, I am not deterred by them, they help  me understand better the hate that exist and why people act like they do. Being a racist is not a insult to  me, but a compliment. You see I challenge the status quo of what people’s definition of what a black woman is. 

Thank you 

Chyvette A Valentine  

May 16, 2018



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