Monday, March 25, 2024

Dear Cook County Courts... #Nevermind

Question: You have a major case you need won
Do you hire the most qualified.. or the best color???
Let that soak into your thinking
I don't vote based on RACE or COLOR but QUALIFICATIONS

I could sit here and pretend like I give a damn, but I do not... 
At first I thought my experience in Cook County Courts was unique
 in  many ways they are... 
I am only ONE of MANY being screwed over in Cook County...
Chicago being faithful to the BS on the menu for the day
Is SELF DESTROYING the city with their own powers
Now excuse me, given the fact I am arguing cases on so many levels
I must best prepare myself for the best results
I used to feel sorry about Danny losing his son and grandson...
Until I realized they were "sacrificed"

Excuse Me... Busy Counting My Seeds