Thursday, December 7, 2023


The RNC approve of #Burke & #Ervin

Watch Danny Davis and Bob Fioretti cut a fool

My speech was posted in time!

"C.A.V.E." Production

Today Clerical Schedule
"Good Morning America" 8 am 
"CBS News" 9 am
"The View" 10 am 
ABC News at 11 am (Karen Jordan)
"The Talk" 1 pm 
"Let's Make a Deal" 2 pm 
City Hall (during a break)

The same way I run Danny's office I will help you.. again if I did not matter why did they panic. 

The more you use my name the more things will happen for you, Dawn will not be able to show her face, but she knows how to do everything... 

The best way to help yourself is to be ahead of Danny, half of his staff (Raymond) and others are departing, he does not trust anyone and is paranoid.

"Great Idea Melissa"... tonight's debate will be filled with surprises, I will be home working via text. Please get comfortable communicating as if you are a Congresswoman. (Davis is too Old)

Keep in mind you do not know who the future President will be, your ability to communicate will hold you...

This is what I do for a living, I network, this is why my housing was revoked.. I refused to help Lori Lightfoot... please see the "big picture". 

Providing transportation, and having polls accessible to the elderly, Danny counts on the elderly votes and Senior homes, make sure you have continental breakfast, free $.50 donuts with hot coffee... the most important thing is free transportation... you must be prepared to rent vans if needed, have Churches announce and promote free rides to vote.

Print a sample ballot card, have your name, # and FACE on everything, the most valuable thing I learned registering voters with Obama is that many blacks cannot read and need a "visual tool" try not to bunch yourself... like Danny does, bundled batches do not work great... 

If you do.. match with Alderman in the Wards you represent, shared polling is always best (cost/networking). Avoid bundling with Judges if possible, but you need a good working relationship with one of the State's Attorney Candidates.The Sheriff, Senator and Governor!!! 

I will not suggest which... I know it will not be Fioretti he switched parties, and a black man is not going to win (being honest).

Okay I am biased for girl power, don't judge me.. but your best fit would be the best qualified to handle the role with confidence. John Burke is here just in case you need the contact info, you can make a connection and build a rapport from here! If you do a nice Italian or Greek lunch I expect to be invited.. My favorite part of politics is the food and drink budget :)

You don't want to buy votes, you do want to GIVEAWAY as much as possible, as often as possible, invest in the community, Danny only serves his friends. 

You must be stronger in the wards where Danny had 5000+ votes or more. In those areas you must push for 7500 to beat, never match.

Have prepared poll watchers planted at every poll, especially locations with the highest number turnout. You already won, but you have to pout in the work.

Do not compare, stay focused on "What I will do when I take office"... "On day one my agenda will be"... "upon commencement of this office my priority will be".. use positive thinking, avoid arguing, and do not get low like Danny.. People do not trust politics.

Ok, I have to get ready for the Debate, hope this helps!!! Oh yes keys to any sports event, use them like morse code. 

There is no rivalry, I do not hate Lisa, I honestly DNGAF about her...

Back to Vegas, chatter tonight!!! I do not owe Dawn, Lisa, Jordan or Pippen any explanation.... 

TIP my numbers work for any/all sports #CHALLEGE for tonight's game...

Excuse me Live on ABC via Vegas (yep)

Finally yes I am suing Magic, there is a reason he came to Chicago for my birthday, Gerrard from Danny staff called me while Ervin was in the building, trying to impress Lisaraye, who I should forewarn you is under FBI watch for human/guns/fentanyl trafficking.. of all other things. Cases are attached to the file, there is a reason I am being targeted... Yes

Okay let me know if that helps, they will tell me what is happening you will not be successful if you do not know how this technology works. 



Breaking the Player Codes, keys to my car!

1 I am number one in your life

2 Second Wife to somebody??

3 You see or hear GOD

4 I am “HIV” negative

5 Someone with “HIV” near me

6 Dr. J and/or LeBron James

7 Carmelo Anthony

8 (Vanessa) 24 (Chevy)  Kobe Codes

9 I am not having a “baby”

10 Perfect Me

11 Who wants to RAPE… yeah

12 Jesus had Disciples how many?

13 Esther (Bible)

16 Pope Francis


20 Gary Payton

21 Weed/Marijuana (y’all so LOUD)

22 Both on a second marriage

23 Michael Jordan

25 Derrek Lee (Cubs)

31 Chris Brown

33 Scottie Pippen

34 Walter Payton

35 Kevin Durant

36 Bishop Don Juan

40 Presidential Codes

42 Floyd Mayweather

45 What gun do I carry?

45 Donald J. Trump

50 I am going off about something, not the rapper jerk #FAKE

52 Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan

58 Judge Zagel (RIP)

65 Dr Dre

66 GB2G aka George Bush:)

68 Year I was born

69 Commander Brian Thompson aka “Silver Fox” (Rahm)

87 Dee

93 DJ (RIP)

95 Deja

97 Hootie

99 JAY-Z

00 Diddy

106 Park it right here (My birthday)

168 Debbie LUCKY lottery number




Steve Harvey post Devonte Pippen on his show

Steve Harvey talks Chicago Gun Violence ... "Chevy guest appearance"