Saturday, May 18, 2024


To every woman who suffers any form of abuse

Anybody can be an asshole Try to find one who is not handing out prizes Women Count (Read More)

Repost from 7/16/2023 

My sincere apologies I am unable to attend this weekend's events in Hyde Park, you see Scottie and Friends thought it would be fun to infest my unit at Presidential Towers as his latest joke, forcing me out of housing. 

Filing documents today!!! Pray I did this right, if you would like to voice support, please do. 

Please note Shalisa Harvey and CHA knew all of this, I shared it with her personally myself, she used all of this against me!

I may not have finished law school, but I sure as hell tried... to all who aspire to make a real change! 


Dear Judge,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am an honest, forthright, GOD fearing resident born, raised, and bred from the city of Chicago. As a survivor of domestic violence 30+ years, trying to put the piece of my life together. It is one thing to be a survivor, but to endure so much for so long is unbearable and overwhelming to say the least. Being a high profile survivor where people feel they know you, or can control you, or like (dislike) you based on a score of a game, or a team is unthinkable, but this is my reality. Unbeknown to many I am the woman who stood by his side during the Bulls era of (6) six Championship wins from 1991-1996; there are too many articles to number. When I left Chicago to give birth to my son in 1993, Jordan left basketball to play baseball; DeVonte was named Jefforey after Michael Jordan.

I lost one son (on record) to gun violence January 19, 2012. I held him in my arms, as his brains spilled from his head, and a bullet lodged in his brain, yes I have issues. He is one of three sons deceased by Pippen, the only child we shared. After giving birth, I became the subject of daily stalking, impeding my ability to life a “normal life” free from harassment, and/or targeting. Pippen does not have a great track record with children, accountability, or responsibilities. Given my son was conceived and “evidence of rape” by Scottie and his brother Carl in 1993, I expect the hatred I have endured as he tries to preserve his picture perfect life. My son has been deceased since 2012, and he continues to stalk and/or harass me after all of this time. In Chicago he cites he does not know me, away from Chicago he claims I am stalking him, I have been evicted every 6 months as a joke, this is mentally, emotionally, psychologically, economically stressful.

 I seriously fear for my life! Once Pippen learns of her location(s) he makes many advances and attempts on my life life. In 1994 while coming to her home, Pippen was stopped with a gun in his car. See PIPPEN ARRESTED ON GUN CHARGE; BULLS' PIPPEN CLEARED OF GUN CHARGES He has been stalking me since the birth of Devonte Pippen in 1993.

I relocated out of Chicago after the murder of her son Devonte Pippen in 2012, the stalking continued from Chicago to Tucson, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Los Angeles where she lived in a car from June 2018-August 2020, where Plaintiff was unable to secure housing due to stalking by Pippen. I understand being homeless first hand. Police refuse to report his activities citing I have mental illness.

While living in my car for (2) two years from June 2018 – August 2020 in Los Angeles Santa Monica. After applying for (2) law enforcement positions (1) Santa Monica Background Investigations, (2) Inglewood Police Dispatch; Scottie Pippen and a host of associates used media, courts, police, and fans to stalk, harass, torment, refuse me housing, terminate employment; ultimately have me terminated from housing, as a means of controlling me. See YouTube Videos: Scottie Pippen's 8 Kids & MESSY Dating History;

The Wendy Williams Show Season 10 Finale Wendy Talking about Scottie Pippen Mistress, after claiming he did not know me in Chicago, he abused his access to media using former associates (women he cheated with in his stalking) namely Dawn Hendricks Millhouse and Lisa Raye McCoy, to paint a frame of me being his cheating partner. The fact that is omitted is that I did birth his child, which he denied in Illinois.

 My son Devonte Jeffory Pippen was murdered on January 19, 2012, he succumbed to a gunshot wound to his head, and he died with a bullet lodged in his skull. Scottie Pippen once told me, “If I cannot have you, nobody will”, “I will kill you and everyone who loves you”, in attempts to preserve what life I have, I left Chicago but he follows me wherever I go. See Devonte Pippen (18) died from a gunshot  Teen shot at gas station dies of wounds; The Tale of Violence in Chicago in 2012- Who Will Mourn? I am the subject of hourly, daily, weekly harassment from people wanting to cause harm for no other reason than my rejection of a relationship with Scottie Pippen; after being “portrayed” as the cheating gold-digger girlfriend, and I fear imminent danger for my life! See or Google Chyvette Valentine Scottie Pippen, this relationship has national attention, due to Plaintiff background in politics, outside of dealings with Pippen:

(1) Scottie Pippen sued by ex over travel expenses during alleged affair,; Scottie Pippen was sued for $9,999 by ex-girlfriend for a hilarious travel expense issue; Scottie Pippen Sued by Ex-Girlfriend for Travel Expenses During Alleged Affair; A SIDE PIECE’S REVENGE! SCOTTIE PIPPEN’S EX WANTS A REFUND; Scottie Pippen Reportedly Sued by Woman Who Claims She Was His Mistress in ’80s, Spent Money To See Him

 Citing she was stalking him. Plaintiff filed Valentine vs Pippen 19SMSC02104 in Santa Monica Court, See, but was unable to pursue said claim, due to increased violence. 

Plaintiff has suffered the following; Spinal Injury, due to truck crash 2001; multiple car crashes; a severe head injury resulting in 12 stitched due to a carbon monoxide leak, 2015 (CHA property. seemingly intentional); (3) three fractured noses, See Los Angeles TRO  case Valentine vs Farzam 20STRO002580, owner of Holiday Motel where staff assaulted, battered, drugged, Plaintiff see Valentine vs Holiday Motel Los Angeles Court case 20SMSC000639; a dog bite (6” x 4”) 2020, including and not limited to being set on fire. Other relative cases related to stalking 1994- Present are (1Cases Valentine vs Scottie Pippen, Larsa Pippen, and Carl Pippen et. al., Cook County case filing(s): 2020L012116, 2021L005963 & 2022L010864; (2) Los Angeles TRO  case Valentine vs Farzam 20STRO002580, owner of Holiday Motel where staff assaulted, battered, drugged, 3 fractured noses 2020; (3) Valentine vs Holiday Motel Los Angeles Court case 20SMSC000639; (4) Valentine vs Cornerstone Property (Vegas) 17A003121 and 17A003122, see Police Report Valentine vs Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, landlord gave keys for entry without consent; cross reference to Valentine vs Curtis “50 cent” Jackson (Cook County case(s) 2021L112270 & 2021L011793; (5) Valentine vs Warren Cheney (Vegas) 17A003570, landlord took money, refused keys; (6) Valentine vs Pangea Property 18A000653 Eviction after entry to unit without consent; and (7) Valentine vs Ervin Johnson, Cook County case 2021L112271 & 2021L011782; (8) Valentine vs Washington, Los Angeles Court (Santa Monica) 21SMSC01998, using her medical degree to falsely diagnose mental illness for Pippen (Cook County) 2020L012118/2021L006278; (9) Valentine vs Lisa R. McCoy, 2020L012117, ex associate stalking for Pippen; (9) Valentine vs Favia 20211301701, psychologist selling HIPPA protected information about client(s).  

Due to the high profile nature of events, upon returning to Chicago, the first VAWA form was completed at the Office of Congressman Danny K. Davis, who forwarded said information to CHA on May 11, 2021.

  For Shalisa Harvey to betray my trust , abusing her access and exploiting me for personal gain is too much to bare at this time. My information should have been private and confidential, but she chose to exploit my information for personal gain, that is unethical, and illegal.

 I cannot put in words, the devastating impact on me physically, mentally and emotionally, if I am forced out of my home (city). It would be different if I was a troublesome or problematic tenant, but I am NOT.

 My plan(s) were to continue my degree(s), and start my other businesses here in Chicago, where I have the best advantage of success. I am now being forced from my home, facing the 2nd eviction, after reporting that my unit was suddenly infested with bedbugs, and other violations on May 16, 2023. Valentine vs Waterton Property 20231113048, I have other cases pending as well. 

It is fair that I should note I am attempting to file civil claim vs Scottie Pippen 22L010864, but his celebrity and fame dominate my life. I actually filed a police report against Pippen on February 19, 2023, police called me to advise me they canceled the report JG157295. Losing my protections would allow him to win and force me into homelessness. 

There are several documented cases open in Cook County, all related to Pippen and his fans, I receive death threats, harassment, intimidation, threats of harm to my family. This termination was designed to obstruct me from filing legal action not only against Pippen, but the landlords who assisted her with each eviction action.

With the current immigration crisis in Chicago, there are no shelters, no safe havens and no housing. There are no options for me using any status #victim #survivor #domesticviolence, there is no support from officers sworn to protect me, where do I go?

Domestic Violence and Mental Issues are at an all-time high. Resources are depleting, in an already struggling economy. Forcing me into homelessness will not make matters better. I did not make a threat to Shalisa Harvey, she was pursuing me. This hearing was so prejudicial, and biased in favor of CHA. The judge who showed obvious bias, could not rule properly due to her issues with the Plaintiff, her lack of procedure and court conduct. Rendering a decision based on flawed and/or evidence that should have been deemed inadmissible was improper, and cites judicial abuse and/or misconduct. I apologize if I made errors in the brief, but I assure you, I am giving this argument my best effort, given I was denied any legal assistance.


Thank you and I pray I did this correctly, my table of content will not print, please forgive that part of this brief.



Steve Harvey post Devonte Pippen on his show

Steve Harvey talks Chicago Gun Violence ... "Chevy guest appearance"